A Guide To Successful CIF Bid Applications

Note: It is imperative that all the necessary procurement work has been carried out prior to submission of the Bid to enable the school to obtain the best possible marks for the project.

The following actions are recommended:

  • At the earliest opportunity, engage an experienced professional consultant to assist the School with the CIF Bid Application


  • Review Property Data Survey/Condition Surveys to identify any urgent refurbishment/expansion project


  • Instruct consultant to provide an up-to-date Asset Management Plan (AMP) to support CIF Bid (as recommended by the ESFA)


  • Instruct all necessary surveys to be carried out ‘upfront’ e.g. Asbestos, Roof, Windows, M&E to support the Bid


  • Check all necessary statutory permissions are in place e.g. Planning etc and compliance with Health and Safety issues


  • Consultants to prepare tender documentation for Specialist Contractors to provide competitive prices
  • Consultant to prepare tender report analysing quotations received with recommendations for acceptance


  • Selected Contractor to provide detailed construction programme


  • School to provide photographs, maintenance records, invoices, fire reports, legionella etc for inclusion in CIF Bid documentation


  • School to consider making a financial contribution towards the cost of the works


  • Consultant to prepare detailed Risk Assessments, Options Appraisals, Reports etc to support the Bid


  • Drafting CIF Bid to closely follow the criteria set out in the ESFA Information for Applicants under the headings of Project Need, Project Planning and Value for Money
The Bid should…
  1. Clearly demonstrate that all the necessary procurement work has been carried out.
  2. Show that the project would be ready to start on site when funding is granted and completed is within 1-2 years.
  3. Demonstrate that the Bid represents excellent value for money.